Magic Spiritual Pose

About Magically U

Magic – throughout history magic has been hidden from the masses, feared by those in power, misunderstood, misrepresented – yet in the most shining moments of the human experience, magic is present. Magic lifts you up to your highest potential. It gives you the possibility to believe in the world unseen. And as the great Arthur C. Clarke said, “Magic is just science we don’t understand yet.”

Believe – the answers to life’s greatest mysteries are at your fingertips as you awaken to fulfill your soul’s highest potential with intentional beliefs. THIS is magic, the information you need to understand and implement the teachings of The Council of Light. This will help you as you step into the pathway of all the magical quantum possibilities. It is an authentic path to enlightenment, and how each one of us can manifest and create an indescribably joyous life.

Are you ready for a spiritual transformation – and to know the untapped magical power that lies within you? Would you like to truly know what LOVE feels like? An unconditional Love, the kind of Love that flows towards Enlightenment, 800hz Love, the pure Love of Source Energy? With this magical love you shift into a state of empowerment and receptivity allowing you to manifest the life of your dreams. We invite you to join our family of choice. Is it your time to connect and play with a magical soul family from around the world?

It is our honor and privilege to share the life-changing wisdom, magical teachings of The Council of Light with YOU. And, as you know, it’s no accident that you found us.

With much love,
Kathryn and Tobey

Be U, Be Magical, Be Magical U